Friday, January 11, 2019

Angels: Redoing the 5e Monster Manual

I already have angels in my world. Everyone in my world has an angel. They live inside your dreams and rarely show themselves on purpose. You have to seek them out. They're the kid in the yellow smock that's drawing with chalk on the pavement of that one weird nightmare you keep having.

They always have the yellow coat. They always have the chalk (they're often drawing you dying in horrible ways).

All angels are the daughters of Zweila, the giant who was to cut the head off the Ran (the world snake) before she was betrayed, her own sword stabbed into her. She escaped, like most giants, into a pocket dimension, left to bleed her white blood.

She holds her hands out, cupped to catch the trickle of blood from her mouth. Every so often there's a clot and it sludges out and falls in the pool of her palms, and this forms an angel.

They watch you from the dream plane hoping you'll be the one to pull the sword from Zweila and kill Ran.

I'm copying and pasting the rest from my reddit because I'm tired.


HD 25 HP 137 SPEED 220’ (flying/hovering/levitating/anything that allows them to not exert force)

AC 16 (high dex)

ATTACK Zweihander +8 to hit, 2d6 + 8 damage, 6d6 + 8 to demons (includes witches married to demons, half-demons, demon marked sorcerers, warlocks with demon patrons, or anyone with any positive association to a demon)

DEFENSE Immune to ranged attacks unless from another angel, Immune to Zweihanders, Offended by any attacks that don’t come from an immaculate weapon, also has a buckler shield that she will use on occasion (+2ac)

SPECIAL phobia of snakes (will not go to Ran and abhors the Serpent Prince) which imposes disadvantage to all rolls revolving around snakes in any capacity, and being presented with a snake has a 50/50 chance of snapping them into a battle frenzy or paralyzing them

Colorblind - they only see in shades of white on account of the milk they were born in

The Gift - Angels can reach inside you, as if your chest was a curtain, and pull from it something and gift it to you. They often do not know what will come out and are just as often disappointed by the lack of blood it spills.

Angel Appearances - or at your own discretion


  1. You critical fail at your most critical moment
  2. Someone crits you when you were about to do something great
  3. You fail your second death save
  4. After you anger the government
  5. Near a pit of snakes
  6. When someone breaks your heart


  1. Out of the corner of your eye
  2. In the back of a muscle car
  3. Parachuting down
  4. Out from under some bricks (or a manhole)
  5. The shadow of an alley or a passing cloud
  6. From your chest, which opens like a curtain for her

Why? - what they say when you ask

  1. I thought you needed a cheerleader, she says using air-quotes and rolling her eyes.
  2. You’re boring if you’re dead. shrugs
  3. It’s a job. Nothing personal. snaps rubber glove on hand
  4. Brushes dust off your shoulder Shut up.
  5. You’re just about useless.
  6. That’s a weird way of saying “thank you”, kid.


Angels can see what you really are, what creature wears your skin, what color your soul is. If they feel like it, they can pull this from your chest and let it face the world. It doesn’t have to be kind, or subservient. Most of the time they are violent and destructive. To help determine what this gift is, look at your birth month and year below.


There is no definite look that I can give you for your Angel Gift, but these are the ideas behind each month that give it its shape. Embellish and exaggerate whenever possible. And if needed, here’s a list of d12 animals to use as a base.

  1. Cat
  2. Dog
  3. Wolf
  4. Shark
  5. Bull
  6. Octopus
  7. Hawk
  8. Gecko
  9. Snake
  10. Lion
  11. Fox
  12. Whale


  1. January - shielded, solid parts for battering, clumsy
  2. February - sagging, tentacled beast, wrapped in aging debris
  3. March - pure evil, vile muck of a shadow, dripping with time
  4. April - berserking beast, jittering and hungry, rippling with energy
  5. May - immovable, unstoppable, gargantuan and blocky
  6. June - Vile, monstrous humanoid
  7. July - Many limbs, pincers, armor
  8. August - animal in nature, warped humanoid
  9. September - hunched and angry, pure instinct, humanoid
  10. October - made of machines and war, fire and neon
  11. November - Chimeric creature, human, animal, and alien
  12. December - a humanoid climbing out of an animal

YEAR - special ability/trait

  1. 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960 - Animated tiny minions
  2. 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961 - Super strength
  3. 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962 - Shadow form
  4. 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963 - Super speed
  5. 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964 - Combustion
  6. 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965 - Invisibility
  7. 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966 - Regeneration
  8. 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967 - Ethereal limbs
  9. 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968 - Polymorph into objects and animals
  10. 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969 - Telekinesis, levitation
  11. 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970 - Immortal
  12. 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971 - Laser eyes, thermal vision

Optional rule: You can roll a d12 for each option, they are all based off of 12 options.

What does it do? Why is it here?

This is a last ditch effort and also a test. If what comes out is an ally, then you’re more worthy than you were before. If what comes out is a monster and you slay it, you’re more worthy than before. To determine if it’s friend or foe, flip a coin. Have the player call it and catch it in your hand. Do not show them the result. Describe to them what it looks like as its pulled from them. Ask them what they do. If they respond “I wait” then you can look at the coin. The Gift will get an action before them.

Creating stats for your Angel’s Gift

The easiest thing to do, and a way to make it level with you and always be a viable option in-game is to give the gift your stats. HP, AC, etc, only modified by the appearance and traits. You could also base them off the stat-block of an animal or similar creature in order to create a feel. For instance, if an angel pulls something from a terrible villain, you could use the stat block for a powerful monster.

Who is Worthy?

One who has faced their Gift and has eaten a snake. One who has swallowed true courage and has faced the Leviathan in the Dreamwave. Dream jumper, demon slayer. Crafter of their own Zweihander.

Only they can pull the sword from Zweila and slay the Serpent Throne.

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