Wednesday, January 16, 2019


I'm finally working on MUCK!!
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My art-friend and collaborator Micah finished this beautiful fucking map of my new adventure location, MUCK. It's a fuckin' swamp. It's inspired by the metal music I love plus a dungeon I wrote a while ago called the Drowned Mountain

The gist is - if you want to travel anywhere, you gotta go through MUCK. 

So the party wants to go do a thing, this place is in the way.

I'm really excited to get to work on it finally, as my parties have been going to other locations and doing other things that required me to focus on them. NOW they are going here and I get to flesh everything out and get to work. 

This will be the fourth issue of Songbirds, my extra-planar zine. And yeah, only one is released right now, but that's because this is my first time self-publishing a physical book and it's a fucking bitch. I'm so bad at it. This is proof number 3 of Haunted, and proof number 2 of Inside the Giant's Eye. Hopefully, Desert Wind goes smoother and I'll have all the bits hammered out so that MUCK goes straight to print without issues. 

Maybe I should do a blog about my experiences with self-publishing...idk if anyone even reads this though.