Monday, January 14, 2019

Tonight's D&D Game

I run my IRL game today.

The session ended with everyone killing their sharks. That means today they are gonna open them up and see what is inside. Finding something they've lost.

I'm struggling a bit with this. There are three characters: Nix, E.D., and Khalil.

E.D. has lost her memories. So she's going to find a photograph/vhs with the names/faces of the people who created her. And maybe push her closer to an answer of what she is.

Nix lost a childhood. Nix was poor and worked his entire life. He looked up at the snake city and wanted to be there. To grow to power and never have to worry again. But what will be inside of his shark? A piece of his childhood? A compass guiding him on his quest so that he can overcome his childhood?

Khalil lost a lot as well. Free will. His life belongs to the Queen of the Mountain, who has a contract of his blood in order for him to get revenge on his old gang who betrayed him. Perhaps one of those he wants revenge on is inside... Or maybe another fae? The location of an UnBlade?

It's not what they *want*, it's something they've lost. What have they lost?

Khalil has given his soul to a fae to get revenge.
Could be his soul?
The location of his soul?
A bunch of money?
The location of a bunch of money?

What do I want it to do? E.D.'s shark is going to guide her towards dragons. Nix's should guide him to the sea. Khalil's should guide him to the moon.

E.D. finds her memories.
Khalil finds one of the things that was stolen from him by his team, and the dagger used in the attempt to take his life.
Nix finds the ring he gave to someone. That person betrayed him. Now he can give the ring again and regain his trust or he can wear it himself.

I think that will work.

This session is going to shape a big part of the campaign I feel. Or maybe not. We'll see.

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