Monday, January 7, 2019

D12 Creepy Rooms

This is for when your party goes into a place and you want something a little creepy (could also be funny depending on how you play it). When in doubt, use whatever assassin statblocks you have handy, but definitely give everyone sneak attack damage and a big fucking dagger.

  1. When you open the door you see yourself as if it's a mirror. You see the room behind this reflection though, and cannot discern any mirror. This reflection mimics everything you do perfectly...almost.
  2. Someone takes your coat. You have another under it. Someone else takes that one. This continues and it gets harder and harder to leave the room as more and more people come to take your coats.
  3. A laundry room. All the machines begin to flood. Inside each is a body of something/someone you've killed.
  4. Floor is water, though looks like carpet when still. There’s a shark deep below.
  5. Six men share one lollipop but refuse to touch each other.
  6. There's a man standing in the corner, counting down from 100. What happens when he reaches 0? 
  7. A room with a clock, it moves and is labeled like any other clock (1-12), except it references months. You can watch the seasons change out the window as the world ages around you at this accelerated rate.
  8. It's your birthday. The rest of the party smiles and feeds you forkfuls of cake. Forcibly. They have so much cake for you to eat. And if you don't eat it, they have forks to prod you with.
  9. A room with a bad ant problem. If you kill just one of the ants, you will get the sensation that there is something crawling on you. You will see ants in your peripheral vision. If you ignore it, it will bite you with hallucinatory poison.
  10. Once you enter this room you must listen to Messa da requiem: lux aeterna. Don't speak while it plays. Just sit and listen. (See how long you can just sit and stare at your party in complete silence before they do something)
  11. In this room is a you from another dimension. They have a day job. A content life. A wedding ring. You can trade spots with them. You can make them do this instead of you.
  12. One of your parents is being conceived behind the curtained bed in the center of the room. If you stop it, reroll your race.

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